Family Law Services

Family Law Unbundled

Traditional family law representation is daunting and unaffordable to most. Points of Law offers unbundled family law services as an affordable alternative. With over 30 years of experience representing clients at every stage of the family law process in Ontario, we can be your dedicated guide. Whether you are seeking legal advice, assistance with court document preparation or review, strategy sessions or coaching for a court appearance, we are here to help. We can tailor our services to meet your needs. Our focus is on affordability and efficiency. We can work together to navigate your Ontario family court journey with expertise and affordability.

*Please note that Points of Law is unable to assist with urgent Family Law Matters.

What are the legal decisions I need to make?

Separation and Divorce

If you are experiencing relationship challenges, a decision to separate or divorce is a serious step. Separation lets spouses live apart, while divorce legally ends a marriage. It is crucial to understand the implications of this choice on parenting issues, child support, spousal support and property division. We can help you make an informed decision and reach a resolution tailored to your needs.

Division of Assets and Debts

Navigating the division of assets and debts after separation is a complex legal decision that requires careful consideration. It involves a through and transparent exchange of financial information between both parties before making this determination. Our service extends to aiding you in prepared your own comprehensive financial disclosure package, as well as interpreting, scrutinizing the financial disclosure provided by the opposing party and determining an appropriate resolution. We are here to provide the necessary support and expertise to ensure your interests are safeguarded.

Parenting Your Children

Developing a Parenting Plan for your children is an important decision for the future of your family. It involves determining where the children will live, parenting schedules and decision making authority. The best interest of the child is always the guiding principle in making these decisions. Factors such as a child’s age, health, and the ability of each parent to provide a stable environment are taken into account. If you are able to agree on a parenting plan, you have the option to formalize it through a written agreement or consent court order to ensure clarity and enforceability. If you cannot agree we can assist with drafting the correct documents to file in Family Court so that a judge can hear your case.

Navigating Child and Spousal Support

When couples separate, support consequences often flow. These could be child support, spousal support or both. Child support payments are legally mandated under the Federal Child Support Guidelines. In uncomplicated situations, separating parties can look to the online table to reach their own resolution. Determining support payments, especially in cases of self-employment, spousal support or concurrent spousal and child support entitlement, can be complex. We can help you understand the legal requirements and guide you through the calculations.

Feeling ready to take the next step?